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Important decisions in Moniheli autumn assembly 20.11.

Nora Luoma
Next year's action plan was approved in Moniheli autumn assembly. It included also the strategy for the next three years. New members for the free seats in the board were also chosen.

Moniheli Autumn General Assembly was held on Saturday 20 November both face-to-face in Pasila in Kadia’s premises and online. The event was fully bilingual. The voting was organised electronically the same way it was done last year the digital tools and connections functioned well.

Kokouksen asialistan yhtenä keskeisimmistä kohdista oli uuden kolmivuotisen strategian hyväksyminen. Vuosien 2022–2024 strategian painopistealueet ovat

  • Activating the network
  • Promoting equality
  • Investing in partnership.


During the coming years, we want to organise more meetings and opportunities for cooperation. We hope for collaborations between the member associations and with other stakeholders. We aim to strengthen equity by providing clear and timely information and trainings and also by active advocacy in the society.

Moniheli’s 2022 Action Plan was presented to the participants step by step. The heads of different functions and projects presented their work more generally as well as next year’s numerical goals and answered to questions from the audience. The Action Plan and the budget were approved by the assembly. The Action Plan is available online in English and in Finnish.

In the autumn general assembly, new members were chosen for the free places in the board. Sandra Imran Alsouse from Mirsal ry and Tatiana Solovieva from Globe Art Point were elected to the board, and Mohammed Laraki (Suomi-Marokko ystävyys- ja kumppanuusyhdistys ry), Josephine Atanga (WODESS ry) and Joseph Ombina (Kefiso ry) became deputy members. The terms of the other current members of board will continue to 2022 and Emma Tamankag from HEED ry will continue chairing the organisation.

Thank you everyone who participated in the meeting. Next year is going to be good!

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