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Advocacy work

Moniheli does active advocacy work with its multicultural member associations. 

kymmenen ihmistä rivissä
Members of the MOVA working group of the Ministry of Justice together with the Undersecretary of the Ministry. Abdirahim Hussein, Executive Director of Moniheli, is at the centre.

Today, Moniheli and its network are sought-after partners in various cooperation bodies, advisory boards and projects promoting multiculturalism and the integration of immigrants. Often, Moniheli is represented in these by a member of the board or the executive director of the organisation.

The Moniheli network promotes open public debate, participates in various public events and makes statements when multiculturalism and equality are under threat in Finland.

Moniheli builds bridges between its network and the authorities, other public administrations, businesses and the third sector. We are a key player in the field of integration of migrants.


In 2022, the Moniheli Network will be represented in the following cooperation bodies:
  • Osaamiskeskusohjelma (OSKE), Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö
  • Sosiaali- ja terveysjärjestöjen avustusasioiden neuvottelukunta, Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö
  • Valtakunnallinen Etnisten suhteiden neuvottelukunta (ETNO), Oikeusministeriö
  • Monikieliset suomalaiset ja maahan muuttaneet yhteiskunnallisina vaikuttajina -työryhmä, Oikeusministeriö
  • Kansalaisyhteiskuntapolitiikan neuvottelukunta (KANE), Oikeusministeriö
  • Digi arkeen -neuvottelukunta, Valtiovarainministeriö
  • Uudenmaan maakunnan Yhteistyöryhmä
  • Uudenmaan kumppanuusohjelman sparrausryhmä (UUDELY)
  • Sote-muutostuki-verkosto (HyTe ry)
  • Espoon monikulttuuriasiain neuvottelukunta
  • Helsingin kaupungin osallisuuden ja vuorovaikutuksen neuvottelukunta
  • Kansainvälisellä tasolla Euroopan Komission asiantuntijaryhmä
  • Advisory Board for Plain Language
  • Fingo ry
  • Turvallinen Helsinki -verkosto,
  • Hilma-verkosto,Vammaisfoorumi ry
  • Sujuvat siirtymät, Opetushallitus
  • Turvallisuuskomitean järjestöverkosto, SPR
  • Monikielinen koronaviestintä, SPR
  • Paperittomat-verkosto, SPR

Advocacy themes


Targeted and effective integration of migrants and foreign language speakers is one of the main themes promoted by the Moniheli Network. Finland is an ageing society, with large age groups entering retirement. There is therefore a considerable need for labour-based immigration and for people with foreign background already living in Finland to enter the labour market.

Our goal is an inclusive labour market in which foreign skills are also recognised and valued, and fluency in Finnish and Swedish is not a condition for employment. We offer people with a foreign language or immigrant background the opportunity to get to know Finnish working life or, for example, to do an internship at Moniheli.


Equality and inclusion

Effective integration requires a change of attitude at the level of society as a whole. Moniheli is involved in various projects and working groups promoting democracy, anti-racism and global civilisation, such as SITRA's Sivistys+ project. You can read more about our work to promote anti-racism in the link below.


Our network is very diverse and rich in its cultures and languages. Moniheli itself is fully bilingual (Finnish and English) and we always aim to serve our target groups by providing information in an understandable language. This means, in varying degrees, both using plain language and producing translations in different languages.

We recognise the importance of culture and the arts for people's well-being and for dialogue between different groups.

With the help of the Moniheli Grant, our member associations have themselves explored the role of languages, culture and the arts in the integration and the well-being of the groups they represent.

monihelin työntekijöitä ulkoministeri Pekka Haaviston kanssa
Moniheli's employees at the World Village Festival with Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto.

The Moniheli network is involved in various public events to promote a diverse and equal Finland.

Each May, Moniheli traditionally gathers its member organisations and other partners to promote diversity in its multicultural Finland tent at the World Village Festival in Helsinki.

In the summer, Moniheli and its partners organise discussion events on current topics related to immigration and integration at SuomiAreena in Pori.

On 6 December every year, Moniheli encourages people to multiculturally celebrate Finland's Independence Day.


Moniheli makes statements to correct or advance issues it considers important on behalf of its network, and often with its various partners. 

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