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Moniheli's General Spring Assembly 2022

Luam Michael
The member organisations approved the 2021 annual report and financial statements, as well as the administrative and financial rules for Moniheli, at the spring General Assembly meeting in 14.5.2022, and granted discharge to the 2021 board of directors.

In collaboration with the Spring Conference, a workshop was held in which member organizations developed trainings for themselves and their communities, which will be financially supported by the Citizens' Forum. The Moniheli Spring General Assembly 2022 and workshop were both held in person at Pasila in Fingo’s premises and online.

One of the most important parts of this year's spring assembly was accepting our new communication principles, administrative guidelines and financial guidelines, which have been in the works for quite some time.

We hope that by implementing these new principles and guidelines, Moniheli will be able to define communication objectives, target audiences, and articulate brand messages to our member associations and/or other stakeholders, and structure its internal work policies in a more efficient way.

During the meeting, we also went over our annual report in detail, including Moniheli's financial performance and activities in 2021.

You can find the Annual Report from here:

Here in Finnish: Toimintakertomus-2021

Here in English: Annual-report-2021

We would like to thank everyone who attended the Spring General Assembly as well as the workshop, and we hope that the next meeting will be as successful as this one!

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