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Prime Minister's debate on equality

Prime Minister's Office
Moniheli participated in a round table discussion on equality and non-discrimination in Finnish society organised by Prime Minister Petteri Orpo. Read here what topics were presented by Moniheli's representative Melis Ari!
On Monday 18 March, Prime Minister Petteri Orpo organised a round table discussion on equality and non-discrimination. The annual discussion is one of the measures in the government's anti-racism action plan. A number of NGO actors, including Moniheli member organisations, were invited to the debate. Moniheli was represented at the event by Vice-Chair of the Board, Melis Ari.
In her own remarks, Melis discussed the importance of the way we speak. She hoped that instead of talking about second generation immigrants, we would talk about first generation Finns. She also emphasised the multi-level nature of the integration process. Finland is already internally diverse, and recognising this internal diversity is a good start for a welcoming society. This internal diversity could be supported, for example, by enabling the registration of more than one mother tongue, as promoted by Moniheli's member organisation Familia ry in its 2023 citizens' initiative.
Melis, who works as a planner at MIELI ry, also highlighted the importance of mental health as part of the integration process. This year, the topic of discussion was employment, and Melis highlighted the impact of mental health on employment and the ability to learn new skills. She also remarked on the long waiting times for residence permits and the negative impact of the resulting uncertainty on inclusion and mental well-being. "Without mental health, we cannot talk about integration," Melis concluded.
After the debate, no one was left with any doubt about the huge amount of work that organisations do to ensure integration and inclusion. They provide safe spaces and places for dialogue, and for many new Finns they are their first contact with civil society. Moreover, the services provided by organisations supplement the public sector and reach vulnerable people better than the public sector. These activities and services are now under threat from the massive cuts facing social welfare organisations.
Kolme naista poseeraa vierekkäin valtioneuvoston linnassa.
Several members of the Moniheli network took part in the discussion. In the photo, from left to right: Melis Ari representing Moniheli, Aicha Manai, CEO of Startup Refugees and member of the Moniheli board, and Nuura Naboulsi, Executive Director of INY.

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