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Time to look forward

Bisher Sawan
Abdirahim Hussein, who has been Executive Director of Moniheli since 2020, will leave his post at the end of May. Julie Breton, the Association Manager of Moniheli, will take on the role of Acting Executive Director until further notice.

I am saying goodbye to my role as Executive Director of Moniheli at the end of May.

The Moniheli community has been part of my life since its birth. I have had the opportunity to watch it grow from a small organisation to the largest multicultural network in Finland. It has been my second family, providing inspiration and a deep sense of belonging. Together we have created and developed many important projects and initiatives that have brought benefits and joy to our community.  

I feel a deep sense of gratitude and joy for what we have achieved during our years together. Highlights that stand out in my mind include the Plant Your Roots in Finland campaign, where we provided concrete integration services to hundreds of new Finns, and the work we did in bringing immigrant communities and Finnish authorities together to address common challenges. I am grateful for every person I met and every moment I shared. I am proud of the way we have worked together to solve challenges and seize opportunities. 

Moniheli's role as an expert on integration and a facilitator of cooperation is of utmost importance at this moment. I strongly believe that despite the difficult times, the Moniheli network will continue to move forward successfully. Although I am now officially leaving the role of Executive Director, I will never leave behind my love and commitment to this community. 

I look forward to what the future holds. I want to extend my deepest thanks to each and every one of you who have been part of this journey. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you, learn from you and grow with you. I wish you all nothing but the best for the future.  


With friendship and gratitude, 

Abdirahim Hussein 

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