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Moniheli nominated to Helsinki-Uusimaa regional council

The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council is a Cooperation network for development. The council is a discussion forum regarding all developmental issues in Uusimaa. It creates a foundation for the advocacy in Uusimaa and directs municipal resources, as well as defines the regional development projects and policies.

Moniheli has been nominated to Helsinki-Uusimaa regional council (MYR), which is a joint regional authority for the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region mandated by law. The joint regional authority consists of experts and investors, which are, for example, municipalities, universities and research institutions, the government, the business sector and non-governmental organizations.  

This nomination is important because Moniheli gets to be involved in the health and social services reform as well as advocate for employment issues at regional level. During this term (2021-2025) MYR especially tries to rise employment to 80 percent of the working age population. In the council Moniheli can also advocate by promoting equality and working against discrimination.  

Other MYR goals are going carbon neutral by 2030 and increasing the amount of development and research expenses up to 5% of the GDP.  

Moniheli is grateful for being nominated to the Helsinki-Uusimaa regional council and is waiting for advocating important issues for Moniheli at regional level.

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